6 Weird Things About Me
1. Robot vacuums terrify me. I've never actually seen one, so maybe they're not that bad. They freak me out because it is crossing some sort of robot/slavery line that i'm just not ready to cross. And you just KNOW when the robot revolution happens, all the owners of these things are going to be rounded up, right?
2. The smell of magazine cologne samples remind me of the first Playboy I ever read/saw. That weird mix of 7 different scents plus magazine print inks. Sexy.
3. In Scotland I was short on money and went down to birmingham and made a porn. I was the backpacking American tourist who got 'shown' around England by all the locals. I made 400 quid and got to travel up and down the midlands. Wait. That never happened. I think that was the dream I had last night.
4. Despite having been to loads of art museums, I rarely enjoy them. yet i still go. I can only remember truly being blown away by one show ever. Galleries/Openings are another thing, but they give away wine. which is good. maybe if museums were serving wine...mmmm wine.
5. My humor is fucked up. I can't decide if #3 is a good or bad joke. Anyone?
6. When I was a kid i distinctly remember having a-bomb nghtmares all the time. the cold war and the russians really fucked with my head. i feel like i should be too young to be havving commie dreams, but i guess not. i also dreamt about falling off tall buildings.
so what are 6 weird things about you?
1 comment:
1: i aspire to make, and regularly practice all sound effects, kung fu, comic book or action noises. with increasing success *burrdurp*
2: i love watching wee kids run down hill as it always ends in honest tears.
3: my little toe has only half a bone. confirming that my children will be born wee toe less.
4: i have too voices that dominate my thoughts, the use-a-fuckin-plate-when-u-eat-toast voice and the im-british-that-means-i-can drink-gin-whenever-i-please voice. they work in unison often resultin in drinkin gin from a plate.
5: growing tomatoes makes me as happy as a damm good shag.
6: eating sushi (especially sashmi) makes me feel like i have a tropical fish tank in my tummy, confirmed by the whale scar there. destiny i think. sushi good. birdseye bad.
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