Sunday, May 27, 2007

not been writing much lately. textbooks are my new life. i don't like this fact.

i DO like the fact that my MCAT score is gradually increasing.

i also like the fun stuff i've been doing lately:

built a 7 foot long anteater/keg holder on wheels that pours beer via the tongue
i've added microbes, immunology, neurobio and the skeletal/muscle system to my MCAT toolbelt
read (for pleasure!)
reunited the sandwich
made a guitar amp (ish)
took the 'rents to zeitgiest in SF
wallpapered a bookshelf with a book
taken some semi decent photos


Naomi said...
if it's good for board review, it's gotta be good for the mcat!

Naomi said...

hm, the rest of it is "opening-font.swf"