for the first time in a while i'm feeling sorted. life is good again.
sorry for all the cryptic one liner posts. i recently signed up for gmail and since google and blogger has merged i'm constantly logged into my new account rather than this. now of course when i signed up it asked me if i wanted to combine this blog with the new account. not realizing what exactly i was doing, i declined. now i'm never signed into blogger.
lame. excuses, i know. whatever.
anyways. after fucking up one interview and nervously coasting through another, i managed to get selected for an Americorps program in San Francisco. I'm still in disbelief about it. I have had a spat of rejections in the last three months, so it is good to feel wanted again - if you've ever done job hunting you know the feeling. starting september 10 (3 days post MCAT) i'll be moving north. i'm thinking the 7th-9th weekend will be the stuff legends are made of.
Sorry, i had to type it out again, until i'm there i won't believe it is actually going to happen. I'll be working in a free clinic in the tenderloin near(ish) to city hall. Apparently once a week i get to go out in a van-based homeless clinic on wheels. This sort of stuff is exactly what i want to be doing. I am (not-so) secretly hoping that this experience helps me find something that isn't being a doctor (i've been hanging out with the jaded medkids too much lately) that lets me contribute in some equally meaningful way. I've been terrified that I might go through life not contributing to the things i believe in (fun as it is, bartending and coffee slinging doesn't exactly change the world). Now i'm especially glad as this now doesn't have to happen after several years of med school.
Held a aldrich park based 'drive-in movie on the lawn' on friday. super success. escape from new york while under the stars. classic. hope to make it a more regular thing - will be testing the sprinkers timing - got a little wet at about 1:30.
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