Friday, July 27, 2007

So i get the following email today:
Following a national search, I am delighted to announce the
appointment of Michael Chennault as University Ombuds, effective
August 1.

A wide range of essential skills is required of this unique position,
and Michael brings them all to the table. With over twenty years at
UCI, including seven years of experience with mediation and ombudsing
specifically, he combines an in-depth knowledge of our campus, two
Masters degrees in counseling and educational psychology, and a
thorough understanding of the professional field of ombudsing. Since
joining the UCI Ombuds Office in 2000, Michael has become an
invaluable resource to those in our campus community seeking informal
and confidential means to discuss complaints or concerns. Through
his coordination of the campus mediation program, he has enlightened
hundreds of faculty, staff and students regarding methods of informal
conflict resolution. He is also an active member of the
International Ombudsman Association and the California Caucus of
College and University Ombuds. Prior to serving as an ombuds,
Michael was a Student Affairs Officer with the School of Biological
Sciences for 13 years, becoming well-versed in the requirements and
realities of UCI student life.

As University Ombuds, Michael will oversee an office of seven,
including three associate ombuds. UCIs Ombuds Office, with its many
strengths and wide-ranging scope, is distinct among university ombuds
operations. I am confident that Michael will excel in this new
capacity and continue to be successful not only as an ombuds, but in
maximizing the potential of this important campus resource.

For more information about the Ombuds Office, please visit:


Pretty normal email, right?


Did anyone else know that osbudsing(!) is a word?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ombudsing? It must be nice to get paid for doing something that doesn't exist!